Thursday, May 17, 2012

Straight Talk about Work Ethic - Larry Winget's Real-World Graduation Speech

Larry Winget
My colleague, Meredith Bell, has published an article about truth-telling author and speaker, Larry Winget. You've heard the phrase, "tell it like it is." Often called "the pit bull of personal development," Larry is famous for telling it like it is.

My favorite book by Larry is on parenting - Your Kids Are Your Own Fault - A Guide for Raising Responsible, Productive Adults. I just love what this guy has to say.

As I write this, schools everywhere are graduating their senior classes. It just isn't possible for any of these gatherings to hear a better graduation speech than the one Larry Winget gave on the set of Fox News. So I'm featuring it here in case you know any graduates who'll be looking for work and need to know the score.

Watch the video, and if you feel like cheering, send the kid a link to this post.

Meredith and I have spent hours talking about the importance of a work ethic. Here's my article on the awful things that happen to kids who were never encouraged to developed one...

Another great graduation speech - by the late Steve Jobs...

Post by Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D., Copyright 2012. Building Personal Strength .

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