Tuesday, December 13, 2011

ProStar Coach, Teenagers, and More - Recent Interview on Blog Talk Radio

Sharon Ball
Recently I was interviewed by Sharon Ball on Blog Talk Radio. Sharon is a prominent life coach and author of the book, Reinventing Yourself Today.

She asked some interesting questions about my work. I talked about the origins of ProStar Coach, how I discovered a passion for parenting teenagers, and my new books-in-process, Conversations with the Wise Uncle and Conversations with the Wise Aunt. If you're interested in hearing our conversation, CLICK HERE or click start arrow below.

Listen to internet radio with sharonball1 on Blog Talk Radio


About the books mentioned in the interview...

For girls - Conversations with the Wise Aunt

For boys - Conversations with the Wise Uncle

Post by Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D., Copyright 2011. Building Personal Strength .

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