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Dr. Josef Mengele |
Mengele was a cold-blooded mass murderer. He met the trains and selected people for his grisly experiments. One of his pet projects was doing experimental medical procedures on sets of twins. He tested the effects of germ and chemical warfare agents. At the conclusion of each experiment, he killed the children and performed comparative autopsies on them. He tortured about 1,500 sets of twins. Only about 100 pairs of twins survived.
Eva Kor at Navarro H.S. |
Her presentation had two parts. The second part was her story of how she came to forgive Mengele, the man who tortured and abandoned her to die, and all the other Nazis.
But first she described what happened to her at the camp, which helps people understand the magnitude of what she forgave. No doubt you've heard the stories and seen the films about the horror of the death camps. The reality was much worse than that. If you want to know about it, I encourage you to get a copy of Eva Kor's book, Surviving the Angel of Death: The Story of a Mengele Twin in Auschwitz (Tanglewood, 2009). By her account, she survived simply because she refused to die.
How she came to forgive Mengele and her other tormentors is an interesting story. About 20 years ago she was asked to speak to a group of doctors at Boston College. They asked her if she could bring one of the Nazi doctors with her. She didn't even know if any of them were still alive, but the request intrigued her. So she checked and found one living in Germany. In 1993 she visited him. To her surprise, the man treated her with humility, kindness and respect. When she asked him if he knew what was happening at Auschwitz, he said, "This is the nightmare I live with," and described how the Jews were killed. He didn't want to go with her to speak, but he agreed to sign a document.
Eva wanted to thank the doctor, but she didn't know how. Ultimately, she decided that she would give him a letter of forgiveness. It took her four months to write it, and in it she forgave everyone who ever hurt her. She even forgave herself for her hard feelings toward her parents. She even forgave Hitler.
It wasn't easy to do this. For one thing, the other surviving twins were angry with her. They misunderstood, thinking that Eva's gesture put a favorable light on the Nazis. But Eva experienced a surprising personal benefit. This is what she says on her website:
I believe with every fiber of my being that every person has the human right to live with or without the pain of the past, and that it is a personal choice. My question is, "How many people would choose to live with pain, when they could heal from it?"
I do believe that this healing is possible through the act of FORGIVENESS, and I believe in FORGIVENESS as the ultimate act of self healing, and self-empowerment. once a person decides to forgive, there is a tremendous feeling of wholeness in thought, spirit and action all moving in the same direction creating a powerful force for healing and freedom.
My forgiving the Nazis is a gift of freedom I gave myself, a gift of peace for myself. It is also a gift of peace for everybody who wants it. Both peace and war begin in the heart and mind of one person. Pain and anger are the SEEDS for WAR. FORGIVENESS is the SEED for PEACE!
When one human being harms another, the perpetrator lives with the burden of guilt. To atone, he or she can admit responsibility, resolve never to do it again, make restitution, apologize and ask for forgiveness. When the victim expresses forgiveness, some of that burden may be lifted.
Whether the guilty one does any of these things, however, the victim experiences a burden as well. It's the burden of pain and anger. The only thing that can lift this burden is forgiveness. "Forgiveness is something you do for yourself. It's an act of self-healing, self liberation, and self-empowerment," Eva explained to the students. "What was done no longer defines who I am. I let go of anger and bitterness."
It takes strength to forgive. You decide to stop nurturing hate, resentment, bitterness and other bad feelings about what happened. When you do, the burden is lifted from your heart and mind. What happened in the past stops being a part of your present and your future. You walk away from the incident, leaving it in the past.
Eva Kor - "I have no more nightmares. I can talk about it and I can joke about it, and it doesn't bother me."
Post by Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D., Copyright 2011. Building Personal Strength . (Photo of Mengele in public domain. 2011 photo of Eva Kor by Kathleen Scott, used with permission.)
What an astonishing example of forgiveness. Eva serves as a role model for anyone who has ever been wronged by another. Thank you for sharing her process as well as the benefits she experienced from truly forgiving those who had harmed her.
Eva isn't a pushover and she didn't give the monster absolution. Her forgiveness is personal, a letting-go of the pain, a choice to accept what happened as past. She no longer defines herself as a victim, she can create her own future. With that choice, she is free.
Yes, the power of forgiveness is a great power that is not always easy to really possess. To forgive also means to forget in the sense of not dwelling on past hurts or pains and thus reliving the same accompanying feelings. To forgive means not to dwell on past pains and that torture one's own spirit.
Hi everyone looking for strength. From Eva and your previous obviously strength through compassion.
Mengele's official usual met history is pretty grim and his life though sensational not one to mimick. Yet according to approaching his legacy from another much hidden direction, he was and is regarded by many as the father of Monarch Programming. I will leave yourselves to read what this is, but the key is that the key to dramatic transformations as any Derren Brown will tell you, is some degree of trauma. Sadly it appears trauma enables DID or MPD transformations akin to what was military mind control experiments a la Monarch.
And Mengele's contribution was to destroy individual strength to achieve a blank sheet. In other words his work is valuable to the military/intel world. to make nations or others strong through invisible to the eye
means. Google "How tall was Mengele" for a claim
his influence exceeded even this and what it has become which is truly scarier if it comes close.
Denny, thank you! Eva is a lovely person. My nature is to hold on to real and perceived wrongs, both large and small. I can't imagine the strength it took for her to forgive; what a beautiful gift to herself! And a gift to me; reading this story gives me the courage to keep on, and trust that I can do it, too!
Karen D.
Just saw her today. Amazing story and amazing woman!!
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