Sunday, October 2, 2011

Jim Rohn - A Powerful, Moving, Inspiring Video

I was thinking about Jim Rohn today and how much I miss his no-nonsense, straight-talking way of sharing insights about success. So I searched on YouTube and found this video. It's brief, but it's POWERFUL. MOVING. INSPIRING. Really, you should watch it. I could feel my thoughts and feelings shedding all the B.S. and realigning with my focus. There is so much refined truth in this brief video that I plan to watch it over and over, like taking a vitamin pill...

Whatever your passion, your goal, your journey...I wish you success. I hope this video helps.

More from Jim Rohn...

Self-Development - The Secret of Successful People

Sad News - Legendary Success Speaker Jim Rohn Has Died

Post by Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D., Copyright 2011. Building Personal Strength .

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