Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Wife's New Ticket to Magic

My wife Kathleen and I have a lot in common. We both love nature and the arts. We're both into nutrition and fitness. We both write. And we're both big-picture thinkers. We strike a nice balance between reason and imagination, though I guess I'm the more organized, practical one, and Kathleen is the more outgoing, spontaneous one. In short, we not only have good common ground, we complement each other.  Thanks to her, I've learned more about birds, butterflies, fish, gardening, wine and travel than I thought my brain was capable of. Thanks to her, my life is ten times richer than it otherwise would be!

In a previous life, Kathleen was a successful commercial banker. But she hated the stress, so those days are over. For the past several years she's been working on the craft of writing. Always a good writer, she decided to write a mystery novel and a blog. Her posts on food and travel caught the eye of an editor at the San Antonio Express-News, and for more than a year she's been a regular contributor to the Travel Section. At this point, her list of publications is fairly lengthy.

Recently Kathleen created a new website,, to make her published articles more accessible to editors and travel bureaus. And to her friends, who'd like to read the articles they've missed. If you know Kathleen or if you're just plain curious, check out her site. One of her articles may inspire you to attempt one of those getaway weekends. That's what she wrote them for!  

Post by Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D., Copyright 2011. Building Personal Strength .


  1. Hi I came across your article today, and I find it amazing. It is nice you have a husband who is willing to like and explore what you do and like. I wish I had the same luck with mine. I wish both of you a long fruitful life and happiness :)

  2. You and your wife are an inspiration! Thanks for brightening up my day!
