Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What on Earth is ProStar Coach? - The Gym Analogy

ProStar Coach is an online virtual coaching system to help you work on people skills and personal strengths. Because it's a brand new, really different learning technology, at first some people don't get what it is. So I find it helpful to use an analogy. It's a lot like working on physical strengths in a gym.

Let me explain...

First of all, for the sake of their health, everyone needs to be physically fit. But not everyone thinks physical fitness is important. Not everyone wants to improve themselves in this way. But many people understand the benefits to their health, and they're willing to do something about it - even if they've never worked on becoming physically stronger before.

Because it is possible to improve your physical strength. It is possible to improve your health.

Now it may be enlightening to read about it, to watch a training video or to listen to the advice of an expert. But these things, by themselves, will not make you stronger.

It's not about knowledge and understanding. It's about working specific muscles. If you want to get physically stronger, you have to do the work. You have to do the repetitions.

You'll see real results, but they won't happen overnight. But if you keep coming back to the gym and if you stick to your routine for several weeks, you'll start to feel and see differences in your body.

This means the key is to make going to the gym and doing the exercises a habit. If you don't, it will be all too easy to sometimes forget, make excuses or blow it off. And if you do that, you won't get a payoff for your membership.

Sound about right? 

Well, working on the core strengths of who you are as a person works the same way...

First of all, for the sake of their success in relationships and work, everyone needs to be strong as a person. But not everyone thinks personal strengths and people skills are important. Not everyone wants to improve themselves in this way. But many people understand the benefits to their success in relationships and work, and they're willing to do something about it. Even if they've never worked on becoming stronger as a person before.

Because it is possible to improve your people skills and personal strengths. It is possible to be more successful.
Now it may be enlightening to read about it, to watch a training video or to listen to the advice of an expert. But these things, by themselves, will not make you stronger.

It's not about knowledge and understanding. It's about working specific areas of personal strength and people skills. If you want to get stronger as a person, you have to do the work. You have to do the repetitions.

You'll see real results, but they won't happen overnight. But if you keep coming back to the ProStar Coach virtual gym and if you stick to your routine for several weeks, you'll start to feel and see differences in your behavior.

This means the key is to make going to ProStar Coach and doing the exercises a habit. If you don't, it will be all too easy to sometimes forget, make excuses or blow it off. And if you do that, you won't get a payoff for your membership.

I hope this was helpful. There's more info online if you want it.

Post by Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D., Copyright 2011. Building Personal Strength .

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