Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tip Clip #1 - "The Listening Moment"

This is the first in a series of brief videos called "Tip Clips"! In them I focus on ONE issue and offer ONE suggestion related to people skills, personal strength, learning, leadership or success.

The first tip is related to listening. All of us need to continue refining our listening skills. It's the most important people skill, after all!

But you can have all the skill in the world, and it won't count for anything if you're in a situation when you really need to listen, and it doesn't occur to you to do so.

This is important...

Remember, from now on Tuesday is "Tip Clip Day" so check back each Tuesday for the latest video clip!

I hope you find them helpful!

Click here for more "Tip Clips"...

Post by Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D., Copyright 2010. Building Personal Strength .


  1. Hi Denny,

    Super distinction between conversation and listening.

    There's a moment to listen and a moment to speak. Finding those listening moments can be critical to your success.

    Thanks for sharing :)


  2. Good tip,
    It is exciting and easy to get wrapped up and want to put your, my, our two cents in, instead of just listen.
    I will try to be a better listener when apprpreate.
