Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Personal Strength of Perseverance - Mark Victor Hansen Talks about "Chicken Soup for the Soul"

The manuscript for the first Chicken Soup for the Soul book, co-authored by Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield, was rejected by 123 publishers before a small press decided to take a chance. It's amazing that so many publishers didn't see the appeal of the book. And it's amazing that the authors persisted! To date, the Chicken Soup book series has sold more than 150 million books. It's an inspiring story of perseverance, and you'll enjoy hearing about it from Mark Victor Hansen himself.

1 comment:

  1. Great video, Denny. I heard Dan Kennedy say that Mark Victor Hansen (they've been friends for years) is the best at ASKING of anyone he's ever known. So in addition to perseverance, Mark is a model of courage and self-confidence. He's fearless about doing whatever is needed to reach his goals.
